Monday, January 30, 2012

Mission Journal
January 29, 2012

I spoke in Sacrament Meeting today, and taught The Plan of Salvation, then challenge the members to introduce us to people they know.  We are grateful to our Father in Heaven for knowledge of this plan, especially with the death of Savannah – we know she will be with those of the first resurrection, and will be raised with a perfect body and live during the millennium while satan is bound.  We will be allowed to know her and love her without the restrictions of an imperfect body.  She will live again because Jesus Christ lives again.

January 28, 2012

We went to BB’s house and showed her The Butterfly Circus.  She was amazed.  We taught her that our Father in Heaven loves us and committed her to come to church tomorrow.  She promised to come again.

When we arrived home tonight around 6 pm we received a call from our son-in-law that Savannah had passed away.  It is very hard not being there.  But as our son-in-law said we are where we need to be at this time. I know Savannah is with Heavenly Father and is well taken care of and that we will see her again someday, just like we will see our other grandchildren that have passed on. The gospel is true and such a comfort at these times.

January 27, 2012

We were to teach A in Spanish again today, so we drove to Bowling Green to pick up the Spanish speaking Elder.  Also T, who was baptized last Sunday went with us to A’s house – he was so excited to help teach.  It’s sad, but when we got to A’s house he was gone, and his wife asked what we were doing there, because they were going to baptize their children in the Catholic Church.  T asked if she would like to hear about the gospel of Jesus Christ and she laughed at him.  His first attempt at missionary work and it went badly.  I hope things go better next time, but I’m excited that T wants to teach.

We received a call from our daughter at home that our Savannah was very ill.  She was having trouble breathing and on oxygen.  She is our last special needs grandchild and is very fragile.  I will sleep with the phone by my bed side tonight; If I sleep much.

January 26, 2012

Wow – what anger can do to a men. TP, an inactive member has been angry with almost everyone in Ohio County sometime or another.  It seems that now he is angry with one of the branch members that he works with.  So now he has decided he will go to the Baptist Church because he doesn’t know anyone there; talking about cutting off your nose to spite your face.  We talked to him about forgiveness, I hope it helped.

January 25, 2012

We met with BL and played The Butterfly Circus for her to watch.  We learned that she was upset because she wasn’t able to enter the Temple when her son was married.  Now that she is a member of the Church she should be able to get her Temple recommend, but she isn’t attending or doing the things necessary to receive the recommend.  Sister Oakley said to her that she knew that BL felt sad when she couldn’t enter the Temple when her son was married, then asked, how much more would those feelings be on judgment day if she couldn’t be with her son in the Celestial Kingdom just because she wasn’t keeping the Lords commandments, starting with keeping the Sabbath day holy, coming to church, paying tithing, and reading the scriptures. She would see her family enter the celestial kingdom and she would be somewhere else - not with them if she didn't get on the ball and get her life in order and get herself Temple ready and endure to the end.

January 24, 2012

The Leitchfield Elders met us here at home and then we drove to Hopkinsville (after feeding them a great lunch).  We had interviews with President McKee.  President McKee and his wife are soooooo inspirational.  They showed us a video called The Butterfly Circus.  Sister Oakley and I cried through the whole thing.  Any one reading this should watch this video, look on u-tube and look for The Butterfly Circus.  It’s worthwhile.  President McKee told us we should be like Mendez and look for the good in everyone, watch the video and you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Next we drove to Elkton, Kentucky.  There four of the local churches got together for “Unity in Hymns”.  Our young Elders and Sisters with Sister McKee leading sang two of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard.  They first sang “Beautiful Savior” then “This Is The Christ”.  They read this message before singing.
The Tennessee Nashville Mission Choir is a group of young volunteer missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  These Missionaries come from all over the world and serve in mid-Tennessee, parts of Kentucky and Illinois.  Tonight they will be singing:

“Beautiful Savior” – this song was written by an unknown author in 1677 and was later translated by Joseph A. Seiss, 1823-1904.  This beautiful rendition speaks of the greatness and glory of Jesus Christ, the King of Creation and Son of Man.  He is the “Light of my soul, my Joy, my Crown.”  “Glory, honor praise, and adoration now and forevermore be Thine,” is the message of this song and of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  He leads and directs the gospel on the earth today.

“This Is The Christ” – Music by Michael Finlinson Moody and words by James E. Faust, a former 2nd Counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  This heartwarming selection depicts the feeling portrayed in 3rd Nephi of the Book of Mormon, a second witness of Jesus Christ, when the people of Nephi, witnessed the appearance of Jesus Christ himself here on this, the American continent.  The feelings of awe, reverence, and pure love for the Savior Jesus Christ is so adequately portrayed as these words are sung: “This is the Christ, the Holy Son of God, Our Savior, Lord, Redeemer of Mankind.  This is the Christ, the Healer of our souls, who ransomed us with love divine.”

Next the Catholics sang two songs, then the Methodists, and finely the Black Baptists who did a wonderful job.  It was wonderful.

January 23, 2012

We went to the C’s house and taught the first lesson to DC with his non-member father in the room.  We emphasized the power and authority of the priesthood.  I told DC that he had more authority than the Baptist Preacher to teach the gospel – the preacher may know more scriptures, but DC has more authority because he now has the priesthood.  When it came time to leave I ask Brother C if we could leave with a prayer.  His little daughter said, “Let me.”  DC said, “No.  I have the priesthood – I’ll say the prayer.”  That made the lesson worth while.

January 22, 2012

BB came to Sacrament meeting – it felt like a touchdown in the super bowl.  DC turned twelve and received the Aaronic Priesthood, for some reason he was reluctant before the ordination.

January 21, 2012

We’ve been on the phone a lot trying to set something up with someone.  It’s hard when the branch is so small.

January 20, 2012

This time in Bowling Green a different Elder came with us.  A listened again, but I fear we are losing him.  Ir wasn’t home when we went to her house. 

JY fell and broke his hip.  We visited him at the nursing home in Beaver Dam.  While there we met HT.  She used to be a member but had her name removed from the rolls of the church.  She is a very nice, bright, outgoing, and sweet person.  She treated us very nice and we had a good, long talk with her.  I thank she saw that Mormon Missionaries don’t have horns. We would really like to get to know her and her family better.  Maybe time will tell.

January 19, 2012

We visited BB today – she is such a sweat lady, but very confused.  I believe with patience and love we can help her to understand the Lord’s gospel.

January 18, 2012

BL still hasn’t been to church but we continue to visit with her, maybe someday she will understand that she must obey the Lord’s commandments and keep the Sabbath day holy.

V was home this time and we taught him the first lesson – emphasizing authority. Years ago he was a Baptist Preacher and authority was important for him to understand.

January 17, 2012

We drove to Bowling Green to pick up the Spanish speaking Elder.  We drove to A’s house and he gave him the first lesson – A’s wife refused to come into the room, and A refused to take the El Libro De Mormon.  That’s a bad sign, but we’ll keep coming as long as he will let us.  The Elder also went with us to V’s house, but V wasn’t home – his daughter A was there, she is a senior at the high school.  We taught her the first lesson and set a time to return when her father was home.

January 16, 2012

We received a media referral today; we’ll have to check that out.
JR had a birthday party for her mom and we were invited along with several other people.

January 15, 2012

This is a wonderful day. T was baptized and everything went wonderfully great.  We were told to start using the Spanish speaking Elders from Bowling Green because it’s only 45 miles away and the Sisters from Clarksville are 90 miles away.  Makes since to me.  Anyway, the two sisters and three elders and two zone leaders were all here for the baptism.  With all of these missionaries we almost doubled the size of the Sacrament meeting.

We were invited to the Branch Mission leaders home with T and his family for dinner.  It’s a good day.

January 14, 2012

I helped work on the baptismal fount today.  The pump was broken and couldn’t keep the water warm. Chill!  We got it working, thank goodness.

January 13, 2012

Today T was interviewed by the zone leaders.  He was found worthy to be baptized, we’re excited.  We went with the Spanish speaking sisters to I’s house.  They taught her, but she never asked a question – that’s a bad sign.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mission Journal

January 12, 2012

I had a dream last night.  It was about one of the members of the branch.  He’s trying to get a better job to support his family, but he won’t study the materials that were given him and fails the test.  

Well, in the dream – this member hired a man to dig a ditch two feet wide, four feet deep, and twenty feet long.  He showed the man where to dig and gave him a shovel.  He went back inside to do his work and after a while he looked and the man was sitting on the ground with his feet inside the ditch.  He thought ‘He’s taking a break,’ and went back to work.  In about fifteen minutes he looked again and the man was still sitting.  He thought maybe he needed some water and went outside with a glass of water.  The man thanked him for the water and got up and began working like crazy.  The member thought he was working too fast, but didn’t say anything.  In about five minutes the man was sitting down again.  At this time in my dream I asked the member what he should do with this man.  He said that maybe he should let him go.  I asked if the man had a family.  He said he did.  If you let him go, would his family have food to eat?  That’s his problem.  Has he ever done this kind of work before? No.  Could you teach him how to work?  Well, yes I could.  He went out and taught the man to work in a steady pace – one shovel full at a time.  He taught him to use his feet and how to use leverage.  He taught him to take useful breaks, but go back to work in a reasonable amount of time.  He taught him to work smart, as well as hard. 

In this dream I taught this member that he was the man and his study materials were the ditch.  That he had to learn one thing at time as if it were the shovel full of dirt, but he had to keep moving and not give up.

After I woke up, I realized that I am the man and this mission is the ditch – That I must keep moving and learn the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I must learn the lessons that I teach like the back of my hand.  I need to be trusted by the Lord.

January 11, 2012

Today… we had a zone meeting in Clarksville.  I really didn’t want to go, but I had promised Elder R that I would.  Fran said, “You told him you would!”  She was right of course.  A man’s word should be his bond.  I gave my word; I got ready for another long trip.

After we got there, I was sooooooooooo glad we went.  The meeting was one that I had been praying for.  Isn’t it wonderful – when we are obedient how things work out for the best?  There was one down side, my nose started to run and my throat started to itch. L

January 10, 2012

We got an early start today because we had to be in Nashville by 11:00 am.  We met with President McKee and the other missionaries at the Stake Center next to the Temple.  It was a good meeting, we met the new missionaries coming in, and said goodbye to those going home.  The sisters at the Stake Center feed us – Hawaiian Haystacks, and they were good.  We were able to converse with the other Senior Missionaries; we hardly get to see them.

Next we had the opportunity to go to the Temple!  The Nashville Temple is very much like the one in Lubbock – very beautiful and spiritual.

When we take trips like this we listen to Church History CD’s.  They have been put together very well, coming home we learned the history of BYU.

January 9, 2012

Fran had another Doctor’s appointment related to her diabetes.  Her labs are looking good he said.J  She is still coughing and hoarse.   The doctor gave her permission to be with other people.  That’s a good thing because we are supposed to go to Nashville tomorrow.

January 8, 2012

I went to church alone today – that felt funny. L  Fran is still having trouble talking.  I went with Br. P and visited three people he home teaches.  One of the sisters is as sick as Fran.  We gave her the Sacrament, she didn’t want a blessing.  Br. and Sis. R brought by some soup while I was with Br. P, now wasn’t that thoughtful.

January 7, 2012

We hibernated – hoping Fran would get well soon.  She was coughing, couldn’t speak, nose running, and felt lousy.

January 6, 2012

The Spanish sisters came to our apartment and we were waiting on the Zone leaders to meet with T for a baptism interview, when they called and said they would meet us at the church.  I drove over and picked T up and meet the sisters and Zone leaders.  I was the only one with a key to the church, but that is OK.  After the interview, the sisters met with the new family we found on Tuesday, they went to G’s house and G wasn’t at home again.  But they met with G’s son E, and they said he was excited to meet with them.

By the way – before the sisters left Hartford they brought Fran some cough drops and a get well card – wasn’t that thoughtful?  They are special people.

January 5, 2012

Fran woke up really sick this morning, she could hardly talk.  I called everyone we were to teach and canceled their appointments.  I took her to the Doctor’s office; we saw the Practitioner and she gave her some meds.

January 4, 2012

We had district meeting in Leitchfield this morning.  I taught a lesson on goal setting and Fran gave a spiritual thought.  It was a great meeting – each one of us centered our lessons on becoming more Christ like.  We didn’t collaborate with one another, but it was as if we had been assigned our lessons.  Isn’t it amazing how the Holy Ghost works, when we are willing to listen?
On our way back to Hartford, Fran said her throat was hurting.  We went to B’s house and had a good lesson with her.  She promised to come to church this coming Sunday.  Hope she makes it.

January 3, 2012

We were supposed to meet the Spanish speaking sisters at T’s house at noon, but they were delayed and won’t be here till 2:00 pm, so we moved BB time to noon, T to 2:00 pm and K to 3:30 pm – did you keep up with all of that, I’m not sure that I did.  BB was having trouble with her bank, so she wasn’t home.  When we called K, she was sick and didn’t want visitors. L  Anyway, T was ready and willing; their little one year old daughter has decided that we are OK.  She sits in our laps the whole time we are at T’s house.

After we left T’s house we decided to try BB again, this time she was home and the sisters participated in her lesson.  I’m worried about BB – I think I’ll bring a video next time.  We had an appointment with G at 6:00 pm.  When we arrived G wasn’t home, but his wife R was there.  R is reluctant to speak with us and we stood outside in the cold wind while the Spanish sisters scheduled a new time to meet with her husband.  Since the sisters were there anyway we took them to another Spanish family nearby.  Again we stood in the cold wind while the Spanish sisters spoke with that family.  They were able to set up a time just ahead of G’s time on Friday – that’s a good thing.

January 2, 2012

Ah – P-day – What would we do without it.  Our living room lamp was broken so we went to the hardware store to get a new part, but the hardware store was still closed for the holidays. J  The joy of a small town.  We’ll fix the lamp later.

January 1, 2012

Brother C’s son was visiting from Utah today, so instead of having Fast and Testimony meeting the Presidency chose to have Brother C’s son speak.  He’ll be going back home soon and we’ll have Testimony meeting next week.  Virtues of a small branch!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Mission Journal
December 31, 2011
We visited with BB for a little over an hour today.  She asked unexpected questions and we had to stop and address those questions before we could move on, but she seemed to understand better, so we’ll just keep on addressing her questions.  She said that she had read the first and part of the second chapter of Nephi; at least she’s not afraid to give the Lord a chance.  Satan tries to hold some people back because of tradition sometimes.  I challenged her to come out to church but she seemed reluctant for now.  I don’t expect that we’ll see her yet.
Next we went to A’s house.  She’s 17 and lives with her father.  We were hoping to find them both at home but her father was working.  We gave a quick lesson on the Restoration and when we got to a certain part she said, “Assume!”   I hope when we catch her father at home that he’ll say the same thing.

We took some pictures of what we call our Christmas corner and want to post a few today.  The Primary Children back home sent us twelve stories with Christmas ornaments on them.  They are wonderful stories that we passed on to the local Primary President.  Anyway, we took pictures of those ornaments and Christmas cards we received and a picture of the Spanish speaking sisters.  I’ll post them below.


December 30, 2011
The sister missionaries came again to teach T.  He seems to be excited about the gospel, and his wife is very excited about him taking the lessons.  Their daughter will turn eight years old soon – she gave the opening prayer before the lesson started, and her prayer was better than many adults I’ve heard, and not only that, but from the heart.  Anyway, T’s wife wants him to be able to baptize his daughter as soon as he             
receives the priesthood.  That would be amazing.

Brother P’s son came in for Christmas.   He’s a junior at BYU and knows a lot of people in this area.  He took us to three people we didn’t know about and we set up appointments with all three.  One of them is a Spanish speaking family, when the Spanish speaking sisters come on Tuesday; we’ll have two families for them to teach.
December 29, 2011
BB is an older single lady.  She was baptized in Idaho as a very young lady years ago.  She still claims to be a member but knows very little about the church or the Lord.  After talking to her for a while she started asking questions which brought us to the restoration, so we taught her that lesson.  We left her a copy of the KJV of the bible and a Book of Mormon and asked her to read at least one chapter before we came back on Saturday.  She agreed to read and we will return.
The last time we were at Sister R’s house, Brother R said she was feeling pressured.  So we decided that we would just have a scripture chase and talk this time.  We looked up scriptures talking about God’s love for his children, scriptures talking about us being His spirit children and scriptures talking about prophets being called in all ages of time.  It went so well – we found out what was bothering her and why she was feeling pressured.  Her best friend is a member of the church, but her feelings were hurt by another member and has quit coming out.  Fran and I are going to visit her friend sometime this week.  We’re going to evaluate the friend’s testimony and see what we can do to help her.  We’ll call the friend “JR”.
December 28, 2011
The Elder’s from Leitchfield met us at the branch building this morning.  The district meeting went well, and as always – we learned a lot.  We drove to a member’s house we’ve never met before this afternoon.  He was baptized as a child and quit coming out to church at age 13.  We would have attempted to stay and give a lesson, except he was called in to work and only had a half hour to get ready, so we didn’t stay long and left.  He and his wife are nice people, we’ll check back with them.
December 27, 2011
The Spanish speaking sisters came up today to teach T again.  They come from the Fort Campbell area and this being the last of the month they have used up their mile allowance.  A soldier drove them up from Clarksville, but because they are sisters and he’s a man they also had to have another sister from the Spanish branch ride with them – avoid the very appearance of evil.  Anyway, they all spoke Spanish and I believe T got a lot out of the lesson, it was a good thing.
December 26, 2011
Christmas can be sad or happy, that depends on us – what do we choose to be?  When I think of how much I miss my family – I’m sad, but when I think about how blessed I am that I have a family – I feel glad inside.  I am so blessed to be married for time and all eternity to such a sweat person in Fran – that really makes me happy.  When I think about how our Lord Jesus Christ made it possible for us to actually live for eternity – that really really makes me happy.