Friday, February 24, 2012

Mission Journal

February 24, 2012 – Friday

A cold north wind blew in today.  It’s our turn to clean the chapel and we noticed the funeral home across the street had burned.  As we were getting out of the car a man approached us wanting our opinion of the burned funeral home.  He was a news man just trying to get a story.  Because we were cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming and such, we went down in our jeans!  We shouldn’t leave the apartment without being dressed like a missionary – goes to show you.

We tried to visit JD, she hasn’t let us over in almost a month now.  We finally got an appointment tomorrow at noon.

Sister Oakley is giving a talk Sunday, so I came in here to blog while she prepared for her talk, let you know next time how that turned out.

February 23, 2012 – Thursday

Wow – the temperature got up to 71, it was wonderful.  We were asked to come over to DT’s house about noon today.  When we got there and she so skillfully put us off to another time, so we’ll try again.

At 4:30 pm we met with CH and his grandmother.  We talked to him about choices, the full lesson as stated on the 22nd, then asked him to wright down reasons he would want to be baptized, and reasons he would not want to be baptized.  He wrote down several good reasons to be baptized, but couldn’t come up with a reason not to.  But still, he is having trouble quitting the tobacco habit, so we’ll keep you informed.

February 22, 2012 – Wednesday

In Clarksville we have our zone meeting on the day after transfers.  There we meet the new people who are in our zone.  Clarksville is about one hour and forty-five minutes away, so it was another long day in the car.  The new missionary we brought home from transfers wants to be a photographer when he gets off his mission and showed me some things about our camera we didn’t know we had.  The meeting in Clarksville was very spiritual.  The new zone leader taught us that  . . .

Salvation comes from choices –

                                                                 we choose eternal life.
                                     If we choose Jesus Christ,
We have the power to choose,

TC called as we were on the way home.  He’s the new member that moved into the branch last week.  He is living with his adopted sister and they asked if we would come over after we got back to Hartford.  When we got there they told us that they have been talking with their neighbor and gave them a Book of Mormon, and wanted to know if we would like it if they invited us and the neighbor over at the same time. J

February 21, 2012 – Tuesday

This is transfer day for the young missionaries.  Every six weeks they have a chance of being transferred to a different area.  That keeps things fresh and gives the missionaries experience.  We drove to Nashville with the Leitchfield missionaries and one of them is being transferred to a different area.  It was all we could do to put his baggage in the car with the four of us.  We talked about CH on the way down and they gave us a few ideas that might help the next time we see him.  At the transfer meeting we met the new missionaries who just came in, and were able to say good bye to those going home.  Then at 4:00 pm we were able to go to the Temple!  It was a long day and we didn’t get home till about 8:30 pm, but it was a good day.

February 20, 2012 – Monday

Even though it’s P-day it was busy for us.  At 2:00 pm we went to TV’s house.  We had to explain to him that if he wanted to bless the sacrament that he had to get to church on time.  Sister Oakley told him and his father-in-law both that they were expected to help Sister V with getting the children ready for church.  Also, that the Stake President said that he would have to say the sacrament in English.  That was disappointing to TV, but the lesson went well.

Next we went to SC’s house to teach the lesson on The Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Their children were out playing soccer and didn’t want to come in, but were made to by their mother, SC was sick – but still went out and put out three fires in the area, and Sister C was upset with everyone it seemed.  But we trudged on anyway, and my teaching was very sub-par.  We’ll have to do better next time, if they let us have a next time.

Finally, we went to CH’s house and gave a follow up lesson, and when I asked who he wanted on the baptism program, he said he wasn’t ready to be baptized yet.  He said his grandmother and mother had talked him out of baptism. L  By the time we got home, I wished that we had just left it P-day and not left the apartment. But I know that all things are led by the Lord and it will be OK, we just have to continue in faith.

February 19, 2012 – Sunday

We had received a voice mail from ES saying she had to go to a funeral today.  She didn’t say what time, but she wasn’t at church and we didn’t find her at home either.  Hope she’s OK.

We went to CH’s house this evening and gave him the lesson on the commandments.  He’s only seventeen years old, and he’s been dipping tobacco for over five years, it’s going to be hard for him to quit, but with the Lord, everything is possible.  Matthew 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

February 18, 2012 – Saturday

D&C 84
74 Verily, verily, I say unto you, they who believe not on your words, and are not baptized in water in my name, for the remission of their sins, that they may receive the Holy Ghost, shall be damned, and shall not come into my Father’s kingdom where my Father and I am.
 75 And this revelation unto you, and commandment, is in force from this very hour upon all the world, and the gospel is unto all who have not received it.

February 17, 2012 – Friday

Wow – chasing leads is hard work and we’re getting nowhere.  I wish we had some referrals from the members.  I know this work is important, I wish the people we are trying to help knew how important it is to them, but that’s why we’re here isn’t it?
We went to CH’s house this evening.  He forgot we were coming and went to his friend’s house to jam with his guitar. L

February 16, 2012 – Thursday

We had no one scheduled to teach, so we followed old leads in Beaver Dam.  Several of the people have moved away, and one man met us at the door and told us to go away.  Finally, we met a family who said they are between churches and want us to come back. J  Right now they are all sick, including their baby, so we’ll try them again next week.

February 15, 2012 – Wednesday

We traveled to Leitchfield for district training.  Sister Oakley gave training on prayer – she said, prayer is Heart to God communication.   No one can separate us from communicating with God.  God is reachable anywhere and anytime and possesses all knowledge.  Fasting is a strong evidence of our sincerity and we should pray as if God is with us.  Pray morning and night and with a prayer in our heart at all times.  Become 100% reliant on the Lord.

This evening we had a valentine’s party at the church building.  It was a good turnout.  A new couple has moved into our branch and we got to know them a little better.

February 14, 2012 – Tuesday

We taught CH the lesson about The Gospel of Jesus Christ this evening.  He’s a bright young man and I can see and feel that he believes in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  We have hopes for him.

February 13, 2012 – Monday

This is P-day, the day for shopping, cleaning and so on.  We don’t have a lot of shopping to do for now, just keep up with milk and bread and so on.
We promised T that we would give him the Gospel Essentials class at his house since he has to work on Sunday right after the Sacrament meeting.  Also, President Wiles said it would be OK if T said the sacrament prayer in Spanish, so we took him a white shirt that’s too small for me and asked if he would be ready to give the sacrament prayer next Sunday. J

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mission Journal

February 12, 2012 – Sunday

As of today I have had the pleasure – the glorious gift of being married to my sweet heart for twenty-four years.  I thank God and Sister Oakley for that gift.

JW showed up at church in a white shirt and tie, I believe that he actually listened to Sister Oakley when we were at their house, he looked good.  Our new Deacon helped pass the sacrament today.  I wish he had other twelve year olds to pass with, but it’s still a good thing that he is using his priesthood.  JW and TV both helped take down the sacrament and I believe they will put it together next week, that’s good.

Sister P asked us over to their house for lunch.  She also invited two new members who moved into our area.  The sister is an interpreter for the chicken plant and the man is looking for a job in the area.  Sister P made a cake for me and Sister Oakley for our wedding anniversary. J

We were able to teach the second lesson to ES today.  We took her extra-large print scriptures so she could see them well.  She stated that she believed that what we were teaching her was true and that she would come to church with us next Sunday – We’re excited for her.

February 11, 2012 – Saturday

Wow, it’s cold today.  The wind blows right through you.  We went to WB’s house today and they didn’t answer the door, so I called their phone and Mrs. B answered and said WB is sick.  We’ll try again, pray for them – God answers prayers.

February 10, 2012 – Friday

SC’s family is all member of the branch and he has allowed us to teach at his house.  We taught the Plan of Salvation lesson and ask him as well as family members to read from the scriptures.  As we asked his children questions he would prompt them to the correct answer – he knows the gospel of Jesus Christ, but in his own words he says he has trouble wrapping his mind around the Book of Mormon.  If anyone has any ideas for him, let me know.

We picked up Sister L to go with us to Fordsville to meet JR and eat with us.  Light snow was falling and the streets were wet.  We were at the restaurant by seven but didn’t see JR.  Sister L tried to call her but didn’t get an answer, so by seven thirty we went ahead and ordered.  Just as we were finishing our meal JR came in and said she was at a different restaurant waiting for us, she ate at that restaurant but remembered the one we were at before she left Fordsville.  We’ll have to try again with her; she really needs the gospel in her life.   It is only going to be about 19 degree tonight with snow, and Sister Oakley got a real treat when we took Sister L home, we saw 2 deer cross the road in front of us.  We have only seen about 4 deer since we got here.   Sad news for Sister Oakley we only got a dusting of snow.

February 9, 2012 – Thursday

We caught WB and Mrs. B at home today.  We taught the Plan of Salvation lesson to them and WB asked several very good questions.  He’s been Baptist all of his life and has recently recovered from surgery because of cancer in his liver.  He said they removed a large part of his liver and that he almost died.  He said he didn’t know why the Lord spared his life at this time.  He has a hard time reading so I printed some of the scriptures in large type so he would be able to read them.  If he has actually read them by the time we return, I’ll order him extra-large type Book of Mormon and KJV Bible so he can read again.

It’s so hard to teach someone who has limited English abilities.  We went to TV’s house to teach the first lesson of the Gospel Principals class.  I’m glad he has a Spanish version of the book, but even with his wife as translator, it was hard to get basic concepts over to him.

We taught CH again.  This time we taught the Plan of Salvation lesson and challenged him to baptism.  He said he would like that very much and we set a date for February 25, 2012. J  He is a young man with a good heart, he came to church last week and I have hopes for him.

February 8, 2012 – Wednesday

It’s always a long drive when we go to Clarksville, Tennessee for a zone meeting, but we’re always glad that we’ve gone.  The leaders build our spirits and teach us.  We have grown spiritually since we left Allen to come here.  We’ve learned that it is our on personal responsibility to have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.  It’s our on responsibility to repent of our sins.  It’s our on responsibility to obey the Lord’s commandments.  It’s our on responsibility to know that the Lord’s church has been restored on the earth today.  We are here as a servant of the Lord to call others to repentance and teach them about Jesus Christ and his church, but it’s their responsibility to accept the truth of it.

February 7, 2012 – Tuesday

From the area book we met DT today, what a delightful lady.  She was zooming out to teach an aerobics class, so we’ll get back with her.

We met with JW and his family this evening.  They are active – except like so many people in this area, they come to church but refuse to do anything.  JW made a wonderful meal for us and then we showed The Butterfly Circus.  After a little discussion JW started asking questions.  Before we left we had actually given the first three missionary discussions.  He has been a member for six years but doesn’t really know much about the church.  He holds the Aaronic Priesthood but hasn’t advanced any further.  Sister Oakley challenged him to do what it takes to be able to live with Heavenly Father again – Do what it takes for them to have an eternal marriage – Do what it takes to bring his family with him and live in the Celestial Kingdom with our Heavenly Father.

February 6, 2012 – Monday

The knot on Sister Oakley’s ankle is smaller than it was, we are so grateful to Heavenly Father for such mercy.

P day, we went to Owensboro to Wal-Mart and Dollar Tree.  We came home and did the usual laundry and cleaning of the apartment.  Our 4:30 appointment canceled and so we had no other appointments.   This gave us time to catch up on ironing and studying our lessons and lessons for Sunday school and relief society and priesthood.   We found a radio station on our computers that play music on the BYU channel and it is so beautiful and inspiring and we love to listen to it and do our homework and such.

February 5, 2012 – Sunday

Our Heavenly Father is continuously giving us blessings.  Sister Oakley woke up this morning without so much pain in her ankle and she can walk.  The knot is still there, but she said it was not as tender as yesterday.

There were about thirty people at church today.  TV is still coming – I think he’s going to be an active member of the branch, that’s a good thing.  Not only that, his inactive father-in-law is also coming.  TV’s wife is all grins, now her husband is an active member of the church and her father is at least coming to church. J

This was the best fast and testimony meeting we have ever had.  The spirit was so strong.  CD and CH were there and CD gave a very moving testimony and many members that had not given their testimonies in a long while gave theirs and it was very moving.

February 4, 2012 – Saturday

Sister Oakley woke up and couldn't walk this morning.  She has a knot on the inside of her left ankle and severe pain, may be a blood clot.  We stayed home and she kept her foot elevated.  I gave her a priesthood blessing and we'll see what happens next.  If it's still hurting Monday morning, I'm taking her to the doctor.

February 3, 2012 – Friday

We found WB’s name in the area book.  That’s a book we keep to document when we teach someone a lesson.  The missionaries in this area met with him and his wife back in 2009.  We were hoping to teach them the second lesson today, the lesson on the Plan of Salvation.  When we knocked on their door Mrs B answered and said she didn’t know where WB was.  As we were leaving he pulled up in his pickup, they have two driveways, so I waited a few minutes and knocked on the door again, but then he drove off.   We don’t know what is happening, but we’ll try again.

February 2, 2012 – Thursday

We were in a somber mood today, we couldn’t go home for our beautiful Savannah’s funeral, we will miss her, but we know our Heavenly Father loves all of His children and will take care of her.  She no longer is in pain, and she is with her brother and sister waiting for the rest of us. But – we must persevere.  Thanks to everyone who sent us cards.  We love all of you.

We went to visit JY in the nursing home and found that he is back in the hospital.  Because of privacy issues they can’t tell anything about their patients, so we drove to his house and asked his wife what was going on with him.  We learned that he had a stomach bleed and had to go to the hospital. When we got to the hospital we found him complaining about the hospital food, so I guess he’ll be ok.

JR is an inactive member that we’ve been trying to catch home since we’ve been in Hartford.  We were told that at one time she was the Relief Society president in the branch.  Someone in the branch hurt her feelings so she stopped coming to church.  That’s something that I also don’t understand.  Why would anyone let another person come between themselves and our Heavenly Father – true other people can do things that hurt our feelings, and sadly, we are all human and make mistakes.  But our Heavenly Father didn’t make that mistake!  Our Heavenly Father said that if we will remain faithful and endure to the end, that he would give us Eternal Life.  He told us to forgive.  When Peter asked Jesus how many times we should forgive – maybe seven times – Jesus said seventy times seven, or in other words, always forgive.  Anyway, we finely caught her at home and had a good visit with her.  We set a date for next Friday to eat with her at a restaurant in Fordsville.

February 1, 2012 – Wednesday

District meeting with the Elders from Leitchfield is always a blessing.  This week we met here in Hartford, and Sister Oakley gave the spiritual thought about being diligent – a Christ like attribute – Diligence in missionary work is an expression of your love for the Lord and his work.  As usual I was inspired, as were the Elders.  We were taught by both of the Elders, one on the blessing of patience, the other about being obedient.  I needed that lesson, I have been very impatient.  Especially when I see people who have felt the spirit teach them that the gospel is true and still not act upon what they have felt; that I just don’t understand.  So I will try to be more patient.

Our Branch Mission Leader went with us, or I should say we went with him to an inactive member’s house.  If other members here had his enthusiasm toward the gospel that he has, we would be serving in a ward, not a branch.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mission Journal

January 31, 2012 – Tuesday

We were able to teach a young man we will call CH today.  He is the grandson of CD and is living with her at this time, what a nice young man.  He loves playing his guitar and writing songs, what seventeen year old doesn’t.  He was very receptive to what we taught and said he would read from the Book of Mormon.

January 30, 2012