Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mission Journal

May 29, 2012 – Tuesday

The new young couple that moved to Hartford this week is so friendly.  The Mrs. –  HS – volunteered to go with us to BP’s house.  BP and her granddaughters are a little slow when it comes to reading, so we decided it would be good to show them the video Finding Faith in Christ and then give the primary lesson on the Plan of Salvation.  The primary lesson only talks about how Jesus was willing to follow Heavenly Fathers plan, and how Lucifer wanted to force men to return to heaven and take all the glory for himself.  HS bore her testimony and was a great help, we’re glad to have her.

We also went to JS’s house this afternoon, just Sister Oakley and me.  We love going to their house, and they are beginning to understand the gospel, and I believe their love for the Lord is growing.  To begin the lesson JS asked me to say the prayer, but when it came to the ending prayer he wanted to say that himself.  He is reading his new Book of Alma and loves it.  Mrs. JS wanted to know more about forcing people to follow Christ, and JS said he thought that was wrong.  I had him read from the D&C section 121:41-43.  
41 No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned;
 42 By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile
 43 Reproving betimes with sharpness, when moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward him whom thou hast reproved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy;

JS was really moved by this scripture, the spirit was strong.  He said that he had always felt this was the right way, and he was so glad that he has finally read a scripture that said these things.

May 28, 2012 – Monday

Today was P-day, but we had promised BP’s granddaughters that we would watch them play fiddle and guitar at the strawberry festival.  We were unsure about the time when they would be there so we called BP and asked.  She said one would play at 10:15 and the other at 10:45.  Well, we got there at 10:00 but no children playing blue grass.  At 11:00 they had a memorial service that lasted until noon, which was good and I’m glad we were there.  Except the temperature was 97 degrees.  Finally the Blue Grass Young’uns played at noon until 1:30 pm.  We left a little early because we were about to burn up.  It was good to get back inside an air-conditioned car. We drove on to Owensboro and took care of a little shopping we had to do.

May 27, 2012 – Sunday

Mrs. JS said she wasn’t feeling well so she wouldn’t be coming to church this morning. L  But TV’s daughter is ready to be baptized, and TV was able to do the baptism! J J  His daughter asked for me to confirm her.  TV blessed the sacrament for the third week in a roll; he has come a long way.  After church AC’s daughter was baptized by Br. Pieper.  She also asked that I confirm her a member of the church.  I was humbled today by two eight year old girls.

Br. and Sister Pieper asked us to eat with them.  We always enjoy being with these wonderful folks.

Our little branch is being blessed by a new couple moving in and they’re living just down the road from us.  They dropped in to meet us this evening, and they are a very nice young couple.   They will add strength to the branch.

We have a corn field just outside our kitchen window!

May 26, 2012 – Saturday

We’re so sore this morning! L We drove over to BN’s house and he and his boys were sanding patches on the wall.  We helped with that and discussed how the Lord blesses us.  BN has never repaired or painted a wall before.  When I mentioned that where he patched was smooth and the other parts of the wall had a texture they looked shocked, they hadn’t thought of that.  They asked, “What can we do about that?”  I explained that the only thing they could do to make it look right is put another texture on the wall from corner to corner.  Mrs. BN went to the store and bought some more mud and I showed them how to mix it so as to match the rest of the room, and when we finished they were extremely happy.  We felt good and set up a time to come back and teach about the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tomorrow two eight year old girls are going to be baptized.  We drove over to the church to fill the font and found that we couldn’t get to the switch to turn on the water heater.  We got ahold of Br. C at the Strawberry Festival in Beaver Dam and got a key from him.  Since we had his key we decided to empty the garbage can in the president’s office and discovered that the floor was wet.  We called Br. Pieper and he came with a shop vac to vacuum the water from the floor, and said he would watch the font since he and his brother-in-law were there anyway.

May 25, 2012 – Friday

We decided to help WE with her tree limbs, especially the one hanging over the electric wire.  I borrowed a pole saw from BC and we drove to her house, she wasn’t expecting us and was surprised when we pulled into her driveway.  It was very hard work for the three of us, being that none of us are in very good shape, but we did get the limbs off the wire and off the roof of her house.  She was cutting the grass and me and Sister Oakley were cutting limbs and stacking them in the back of her truck and then moving them to a stack of limbs on another part of her property.  We worked from about 9:00 am till about 1:00 pm when my hands started cramping and I couldn’t get them to stay open, I guess I’m a wimp – what can I say.  Sister Oakley packed a lunch and we ate at WE’s house then drove home and showered – boy that felt good.

When we got to BN’s house they told us that they had called and left a message that they weren’t ready for us to help with the wall, but they did invite us to watch their boys play in a little league game.  Their youngest boy is a little sick; they said strep, so he and his mother were to stay home, so we went home to get ready for the game.  When we got to the field both boys were out playing.  Their team was one man short so he volunteered to play even though he didn’t feel good, what a trouper.  By the second game the other boy showed up, so the sick boy went home with his mother.  It was fun to watch boys play baseball, I’ve always loved it.

May 24, 2012 – Thursday

Visited with WE today and as usual she had questions from the Book of Mormon, I love that she is asking questions about the Book of Mormon.  Sometimes it’s best to go back to the basics.  God is our Heavenly Father – He has a body of flesh and bone.  Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God and was the Jehovah of the Old Testament and today has a body of flesh and bones.  The Holy Ghost is also a member of the Godhead and is a body of spirit.  She read something in the Book of Mosiah that confused her about the Godhead so we reviewed other scriptures that explained this concept better.  She is sooooo upset about all the wars in the Book of Alma and wanted to know why they continued to fight all the time.  She’s such a wonderful person and wants peace for everyone.  She has trouble seeing that in our time we are having wars as often as they did in the Book of Mormon. 

The trees around her house are completely overgrown, on the roof of her house and one limb is broken and hanging over the electric wire going to her house.  She doesn’t have money to have them cut and she is not in shape to do it herself.  She can’t get home owners insurance because of those trees.

Next we went to BN’s house, he’s a school teacher and his family is so nice. They’re making repairs to one of the walls of their house.  As we talked and gave a short lesson, I picked up a scraper and helped scrape some of the paint.  We told them that we’d come by tomorrow and help them with the wall.

May 23, 2012 – Wednesday

Sister Oakley was hurting very badly today and we stayed at home and studied as best as we could.  KS the nurse told us that the 5th day after a Reclast injection would be the worst, and many people had flu like symptoms.  Some even had fever and chills, vomiting. At least Sister Oakley was only hurting.

May 22, 2012 – Tuesday

We had three appointments set for today, first we drove to BP’s house and nobody was home but the cats, so we drove over to GP’s house and she wasn’t home either.  Next we were to have a meeting with Brother Pieper at the church, but when we called him he was in a business meeting – deep breath.  Next we were to have a meeting with JS and his wife, but as we were driving the phone rang and they cancelled as well.  Then we drove to Olaton and finely found GP at home with her husband – a nice couple that we have been trying to catch for over a week.  They have a beautiful home with weeping willow trees, a well mowed lawn, and a front porch with humming bird feeders on it.   We watched the humming birds zip past from one feeder to another.  GP told us she was Methodist and wouldn’t change her religion, and had no desire to listen to us.  We did leave a video and a pamphlet on the plan of salvation.  We also left our card with her.

May 21, 2012 – Monday

We drove to the Elders apartment in Leitchfield and met with them and Elder and Sister Peterson, we had lunch and then went to Mammoth Cave.  It was beautiful and we only took the short tour because we didn’t think we could walk the hard trail. The 2nd picture is of the cave crickets. Scary looking things. I would like to go back and do the long tour.

May 20, 2012 – Sunday

We have been blessed with about thirty people in Sacrament meeting and most of the men are wearing white shirts!   TV continues to give the blessing on the sacrament and does a great job, and his English is improving.

May 19, 2012 – Saturday

For the life of me I waited too long to blog, and didn’t give myself any notes in the calendar book.  I know we were busy, but I can’t remember what we did.

May 18, 2012 – Friday

We were able to meet with BP again and talk about the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I think I probably got a little long winded, sorry about that.  Each of the girls received a Book of Mormon.  Our next appointment with them is next Tuesday.
We also met with WE, her back is bothering her a lot.  We discussed what she has been reading in the Book of Mosiah, she always ask soul searching questions.  We have to be on our toes with her – that’s a good thing.

May 17, 2012 – Thursday

District meeting was held in Leitchfield this morning.  I gave the closing prayer and Sister Oakley gave some of the training.

We met BP this afternoon, along with two of her grandchildren, CP and JLP.  They were excited to talk about Learning Inner Beauty through Jesus Christ.  We gave them the video Our Heavenly Father’s Plan and were able to set up another appointment for tomorrow.

May 16, 2012 – Wednesday

We went back to the hospital for the last infusion of Iron this morning; Sister Oakley is glad about that.  She says that she doesn’t really feel any difference, not yet anyway.  Pray for her that this Iron will give her a little more energy, she needs it.

After the infusion we went to JS house and gave them another lesson on commandments.  When we asked if they have been reading the scriptures together and praying together they said they haven’t.  We were really disappointed and encouraged them to do so.  We gave Mrs. JM a how to quit smoking instruction and went over Baptism and authority again and asked if they would go to church with us on Sunday.  They agreed to go to church and we are to pick them up at 9:40 Sunday and give them a ride to church.  

JS has bad eyesight, so we ordered him an extra-large print copy of the Book of Mormon, but that only came as a triple combination.  When we left his house we went by the post office and it was in the mail – so we took it to him. J

May 15, 2012 – Tuesday

Today is transfers in Nashville.  We drove to Morgantown and picked up Elder and Sister Peterson and they rode to Nashville with us.  We really enjoy being around this couple.  We first went to the fireside where the new missionaries are introduced and those going home are presented.  It’s always a spiritual experience, and then we (the senior couples and those missionaries going home) eat together.  Then we get the opportunity to go to the Temple. It’s always so special to go to the temple. Our son Robert brought our temple clothes to us when he visited, and it was so nice to be able to use our own Temple clothes.  Going with all the seniors and the missionaries that are going home is always so spiritual.  One of the missionaries going home got quite a surprise; his family flew in and didn’t let him know.  When he approached the Temple he saw his mother and said, “Mom, what are you doing here?” It’s against the rules in the white handbook – he didn’t want to break the rules. J   We didn’t get home until after 9:00 pm, but it was wonderful.

May 14, 2012 – Monday

Today is our preparation day, but we did have to go for another Iron injection for Sister Oakley.  The nurse put the IV in her left hand and after the infusion was done she attempted to leave the catheter in.  We went to the store and Sister Oakley complained of it hurting a lot, so we pulled it ourselves and found that it had infiltrated. The whole top of her hand was quite swollen and it was even swollen up into her wrist, I’m glad we pulled it.  We put ice on her hand all that day, that night, and the next night.  It’s still swollen and I’m writing this blog ten days later! 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mission Journal

May 13, 2012 – Sunday

WH came to church, we’re so excited.  Also EM came, we have tried to catch him at home since we came to Kentucky and this was the first time we met him.  In priesthood class he said he was sorry that he had become inactive.  He blames the poor behavior of his grandchildren on his own lack of teaching them the gospel of Jesus Christ.  This is Mothers Day and the sisters got a live plant for Mothers Day.  Sister Oakley and I stayed  in this afternoon, it is raining, and Sister Oakley talked to some of the kids and two of her friends from Allen. All  in all a good Mothers Day.

May 12, 2012 – Saturday

We were at the hospital again this morning for the third infusion, then we drove to TH house expecting to give a lesson, but they weren’t at home.  Next we drove to a referral we received from the Celebrate the Child event.  They were also not home, so we drove to RR’s house.  We gave them a short lesson and listened to them.  They are such a great people and we have learned to love them.  We admonished them to come to church, I hope they do.  Next we drove to WH house.  He didn’t want us to come inside but promised us he would be at church tomorrow.

May 11, 2012 – Friday

We spoke to a lady at the post office again today.  She hasn’t yet watched the DVD we gave her; I pray that she will.  We drove to several places in Ohio County and didn’t find anyone at home.  It would be a lot easier to see people if they would just answer their phones.

May 10, 2012 – Thursday

The second infusion of iron was due today, so we went to the hospital.  The infusion nurse is a very interesting person.  She is someone who lovers her family very much, so we gave her a copy of “The Family: A Proclamation To The World.”  We also gave her a copy of the DVD about the plan of salvation.

May 9, 2012 – Wednesday

District meeting was held in Morgantown today.  Elder and Sister Peterson had lunch for us.  We have enjoyed having them in our district.  Elder Peterson gave the spiritual message and Sister Oakley and Elder Robinson gave the lesson.  We spent some time with the Petersons at their apartment after district meeting was over.  They are some inspiring people.

May 8, 2012 – Tuesday

Sister Oakley started her first Iron supplement infusion this morning.  It looks like they are pumping motor oil through an IV.  It takes four hours to infuse and Sister Oakley said it burned a little.

We were a little late getting to JS’s house today.  He said he heard a car drive into his driveway and left the garden hoping it was us, I’m glad he is able to say that.  When we got there five minutes later he was ready to participate in the lesson.  We talked about some of the commandments of God.  Mrs. JS said she is having trouble quitting tobacco, but she has been surprised by how she is able to slow down coffee and tea.  JS said he thought he would just quit chewing.  We committed them to pray and read the Book of Mormon together.

After leaving JS house we drove to WH home.  He was going to JS with us except he wasn’t at church Sunday and was having trouble with his own testimony.  We stopped by and met with him for over an hour.  He promised to be at church next Sunday.
May 7, 2012 – Monday

We took BL and WE to the senior citizen center today.  We were able to meet some of the people who go there all of the time and had a good morning.  We’re hoping that the two of them will become friends and support each other after we leave Kentucky.  We had lunch at the center and then we went home and cleaned our house.

May 6, 2012 – Sunday

Fast and Testimony meeting was truly inspiring today, almost every person in the chapel bore their testimony and we felt the spirit.  Even JL who never speaks gave his testimony.  One thing for sure, I know we have a Heavenly Father and He is truly the father of our spirits.  Jesus Christ is His only begotten son and through Him and only through Him is it possible for us to return to our Heavenly Father.  If that is what we really want – We will follow His commandments.  We will follow Jesus Christ.  We will keep the Sabbath day holy and go to church. We will pay our tithing.  We will serve others willingly.  We will do our best to be like Jesus Christ.

May 5, 2012 – Saturday

Sometimes it takes a day to recover from long trips; today we rested.

May 4, 2012 – Friday

We went to Clarksville for Zone meeting.  Clarksville is one and a half hour drive from Hartford.  On our way home we stopped at a farm that said “Fresh Strawberries.”  We followed the sign for over a mile, and then we realized it was a Amish farm.  I took a few pictures.

May 3, 2012 – Thursday

BL wasn’t at church on Sunday so we went to her house to check on her.  Part of her problem is a feeling of hurt and anger with an inactive member of the branch.  We discussed a talk given by President Monson about forgiveness.  We assured her that our Father in Heaven loves her, but He expects her to forgive.  When she is willing to forgive she will receive the blessing of obeying that commandment.

May 2, 2012 – Wednesday

We had district meeting in Leitchfield today. District meeting is something we always look forward to, always 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mission Journal

May 1, 2012 – Tuesday

Sister Oakley had a doctor’s appointment this morning.  He told her that her iron level is very low and has scheduled her for several IV iron injections as soon as the insurance ok’s it.

We were able to meet with JS and his wife this afternoon.  We taught them the Word of Wisdom lesson.  JS said that he doesn’t smoke; don’t see anything wrong with an occasional beer once in a while.  He doesn’t drink coffee or tea, but he enjoys his chewing tobacco and he’s not going to quit.  Mrs. JS said her failures are coffee, tea, and smoking.  When I asked her which she thinks she could quit first, she said smoking.  Then she said to Sister Oakley, “I don’t see . . . well . . . if drinking coffee, tea, and smoking is a sin . . . well, I guess I’ve answered my own question.”  We really like this humble lady; she said she wanted to go to church with us on the 13th. I pray that it works out, but I think we have a long way to go with Mr. JS.

CH’s grandmother called as we were still with JS and said that we were under thunderstorm and tornado watch.  I told her that if we had to we would hunker down with her so she said come on.  When we got there CH was angry with his grandmother and refused to come out of his room.  We discussed with her about some of the sisters of the branch, now that she is the Relief Society President; she had come a long way in the past few months.  Then we showed her a video we had planned to show her grandson, about agency.  We had a good meeting with her.

When we left CH’s house I asked Sister Oakley if she would be OK with stopping at JR’s house if her car was in her driveway.  She, many years ago was the Relief Society President of this little branch, but because of hurt feelings stopped going to church.  Please, anyone reading this blog, don’t let anyone – no matter who they are – come between you and your Heavenly Father, they’re not worth it.  If someone hurts your feelings, go to them and tell them.  If there is no way it can be resolved – sit on the other side of the chapel – but don’t ever stop worshiping Heavenly Father and Jesus.  Don’t ever stop going to church and don’t ever stop keeping your covenants that you have made with God! Anyway, we had a nice meeting with JR, and she agreed to go with us to teach non-members lessons.  I call that a success.

April 30, 2012 – Monday

We went to RR’s house this morning.  RR is scheduled for a colonoscopy and his wife has broken her kneecap and can’t drive her car at this time.  Sister Oakley stayed with Mrs. RR and I drove him to the hospital and back.  His procedure went well and we were able to teach them a short lesson before we came home, but this took most of the day.  We were able to do a little house keeping in the late afternoon.
Brother Pieper came over with 55 referrals we were able to get from the Celebrate the Child event.  He said that Sister Pieper will teach a lesson on parenting, and that he would teach a lesson on Genealogy and the remaining 25 people who wanted to know more about Jesus would be ours to teach.

April 29, 2012 – Sunday

After church we visited with two of the inactives that we have been working with.  Neither came to church today. L  WE said that her back was hurting so badly that she couldn’t come today, so we gave her a lesson and told her we would pray for her.  She said that she was calling her doctor sometime this week.

Next we visited WH.  He has a friend named Tim that we haven’t met.  Tim is not helpful as far as rescuing WH is concerned.  WH was reading the first part of 2 Nephi and said he stopped reading because of the prophecy about Joseph Smith.  We went through these prophecies with him and reassured him that prophecies are throughout the scriptures, and they are there to help us understand the will of God. We will keep working with this wonderful man, and I pray that he will feel the spirit in his life.

April 28, 2012 – Saturday

This morning we met the Piepers at the High School along with the Missionaries from Leitchfield and Morgantown.  We finished getting the room ready and then the children started coming in.  I was at the first station with the cotton balls; Elder and Sister Peterson were helping the children with the butterfly picture frames,
Sister Oakley was helping with the butterfly tree, Brother Pieper was helping them through the most beautiful creation box, Sister CD was handing out pictures of Jesus, and the Elders from Leitchfield were outside getting people to come inside the room.  Later, as needed we all changed stations and it was a lot of fun.  At one time I was helping the children through the most beautiful creation box and a little girl about five years old came through.  I heard he mother call her by name and say, “Come on, let’s go.” I peeped into the box and the little girl was looking at herself in the mirror and said, “But Mamma, I’m the most beautiful creation God has ever made!”
There were other organizations all over the school doing different thing to “Celebrate the Child” but we were too busy to go out and see what they were doing.  This has turned out to be the greatest event in Ohio County.  Brother Pieper told us that we have over 55 referrals of one kind or another – we’re excited.

April 27, 2012 – Friday

We had district meeting this morning in Leitchfield with the young Elders and Elder and Sister Peterson.  I love district meetings; we always learn so much, and Elder and Sister Peterson have brought an extra dimension – we love having them around.  Elder Peterson was a potato farmer in Idaho.  He gave a spiritual thought using the potato as an example.  As long as the potato gets nourishment it grows, but if the moisture becomes too low the top of the plant receives the moisture and the potato stops growing.  Then when the rains come, instead of the potato to just start growing as it was, it doesn’t.  It will grow from one of the eyes and cause what they call a knot.  Sometimes the knots will become as large as the potato itself.  The potato farmer gets only about one third as much money for a knotty potato as they do well formed potatoes, even though the knotty potato taste as well as any other.  So, the potato farmer has to irrigate and nourish the potato field and make sure the proper amount of moisture is in the soil.  That way the potato forms properly.  Our souls, like the potato requires constant nourishment.  We get that nourishment through reading the scriptures, obeying the commandments, and serving the Lord and our brothers and sisters.  Then our souls form properly, and the worth of a soul is much more than that of a potato.
When we got back to Hartford we went to visit Sister BL.  She has been sick for the last few weeks as well as feeling low because of an incident she had with a member that she was working with at work.  Sometimes it seems that we are our own worst enemies, at least it seems that way with
BL.  I believe that if she would be more willing to forgive she would be able to let the incident go.

We met Sister Pieper at the high school and helped her set up her room for the Celebrate the Child event they are putting on.  She started this event nineteen years ago.  She said that year they had only about sixty people show up, and last year over three thousand people came through.  I helped Brother Pieper put together a large cardboard box and decorated it with different things God has created, such as pictures of flowers, butterflies, and beautiful mountains.  Inside we put a long mirror on one of the walls.  Tomorrow we will ask the children to Enter to see the God’s Greatest Creation.  They have five stations inside their room.  First is a game with cotton balls.  The children will shoot a cotton ball and it will fall on a word, such as peaceful, loving, or something like that.  We will tell them that these things make them beautiful inside.  Second is a picture frame shaped like a butterfly.  They will be asked to write something that will make them be more like Jesus.  Third is a small shoe box they will look inside that has the manger scene of Jesus.  Forth is the table with cutout butterflies, they will be asked to write on the butterfly something they can do to be more like Jesus, and then put the butterfly on the butterfly tree. And fifth, the large box I described above.  As they leave they will receive a picture of Jesus.

April 26, 2012 – Thursday

RR and Mrs. RR bought several fruit trees and they were dying because RR has sever arthritis and Mrs. RR just broke her knew cap.  We have known this couple for several months and they are friends.  We volunteered to plant as many of these trees as we could and went over to their house and proceeded to do so.  We managed to get nine trees planted and then they took us out to eat.  It was a good day.